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  • vierkant_ijsbak_520ml.jpg
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  • biologisch afbreekbaar spuitgiet PLA verpakking.jpg
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Verzegelbare VerpakkingenSupplier of plastic packaging for the food industry.

Injection molding and thermoforming packaging.

Wide range of packaging with tamper proof closure.

Continuous development of novelties.

Development of customer specific concepts.

Packaging from 25 milliliter to 62 liter.

Packaging with standard or sealing lid.

Many of our packaging can be printed or decorated with IML.

We develop and manufacture goblets, containers, trays, buckets and boxes in injection-moulded polypropylene with tamper-proof lids, sealable lids or ventilated lids and with in-mould labelling destined for use in the food industry for packaging cakes, confectionery, fish, meat, ice-cream, dairy produce, soups, salads, herbs and medicines.Our plastic packaging can be hot-filled and is liquid- and air-tight, microwave-safe and BRC certified.